We process completely anonymous data of each user of the website, which characterizes the way they use our website (these are the so-called exploitation data). This processing includes automatic reading of an unique identifier identifying the termination of the telecommunications network or ICT system you are using (i.e. your IP address), as well as the date and time of the server, information about technical parameters of the software and device you use (e.g. whether you are using a laptop or a telephone while browsing our website) and the place from which you are connecting to our server. Data stored in server logs are not associated with specific people using the service. Server logs are only an auxiliary material used to administer the website.

Like almost all websites, we use cookies. Cookies are small text information stored on your end device (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone), which can be read by our ICT system.

Cookies allow us to:

  • ensure proper functioning of the site (durability of the session when you are logged in),
  • increase the convenience, speed and safety of using the service,
  • obtain statistical information about visits to our website.

The cookies we use do not collect any personal data from you. Anonymous data is completely sufficient for the purposes mentioned above. If we process your personal data for other reasons (e.g. you have an account on our website and there you provided us with your data), we do not combine them in any way with anonymous data obtained by means of cookies.

Consent to cookies. During your first visit to our website, you will be informed about the use of cookies. You can always withdraw your consent by deleting cookies and changing the settings of cookies in your browser. Remember, however, that disabling cookies may cause difficulties in using the website, as well as many other websites that use cookies. Consent to use cookies may be necessary for the proper use of your account on the site (cookies allow the software of our site to "see" that you are logged in and maintain the continuity of your session when you jump between subpages).

Own Cookies. Cookies can be divided into own and coming from third parties. As far as our own cookies are concerned, we use them in order to improve the functioning of the website and to enable proper use of accounts (session maintenance).

Cookies of third parties. Our website uses third party cookies only to create anonymous statistics of visits.